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Luxury Golf Collection

Luxury Golf Collection Blog

Welcome to the Luxury Golf Collection. I am Ian Hugglestone the owner of the Luxury collection. The vast majority of these venues I have tried and tested and most of the courses have torn me up and thrown me away!
But of course it has been a delight and I have got some great deals for you, so check out my blog and see what a tough time I am having testing these venues for you !

Inverness Golf

How far North do you really want to drive ? This far I tell you. Start the engine now and drive through the night if necessary, it is so worth it ! So whats on offer you ask, how long have you got ?

Lets start here then…


Castle Stuart host to this years Scottish open after hosting also the last two.  ’ Undeniably brilliant and the fairest test of links I have ever played-Ian.May 2013.’ It’s just a great great proper links track, with fairways that allow you to go for it with driver but greens that require thought, skill and a links mentality ( put away the wedge and play the rolling up 8 iron ).

Where next ? How about up to Dornoch just 50 mins away in a car.


Stay here at The Royal Golf Hotel about ten yards from first tee of the championship course at Dornoch, great food, better service and refurbished rooms to suit all. Cracking fire and good beer and whisky selection, bliss.

After that there are the delights of Brora, Tain, Boat O’Garden or Spey Valley. This area has an abundance of great golf to experience and enjoy. Why not call us today to discuss where to go and play and where to stay, with our experience in the area and location we can ensure your trip will be as required. 08000 588 988.

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Guest — Geoff
Im on my way !!
Wednesday, 04 September 2013 08:17
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